Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy in Altoona

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) is widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain in muscles, tendons, and joints. MyACT describes the use of acoustic waves to target tissue at varying depths to compress and manipulate tissue resulting in a focused and precise deep tissue massage. The results of the mechanical stimulus delivered by MyAct can lead to increased circulation and pain relief which are key components of the healing process. Contact your Altoona chiropractor today to find out how they can help you.
What is the Story Behind MyAct?
Many types of focused soundwaves have been used in the field of medicine with great success for more than 20 years. Based on a high level of evidence, Richard Wolf GmbH - a manufacturer of lithotripsy (ESWL) and orthopaedic (ESWT) devices - has specifically designed piezo therapy sources to generate low energy/low-pressure applications for the treatment of myofascial and musculoskeletal pain.

Advantages of Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy in Altoona
- Locates and alleviates musculoskeletal pain
- Non-invasive
- Reduces pain medications
- Outpatient treatment
- Short therapy time 7-12 minutes
- Only 3-5 treatments needed in most cases
The Piezowave2 therapy was developed by Richard Wolf, the leader in Lithotripsy therapy. While standard Lithotripsy is used to shatter large kidney stones into fragments small enough for the patient to pass with minimal discomfort, Piezowave therapy is used to address many common soft tissue issues.
How Does Piezowave2 Therapy Work?
The Piezowave2 machine delivers thousands of high-energy sound wave impulses to the affected tissue. These impulses are thought to cause micro trauma to scar tissue and arthritic areas. As a result, it stimulates the body’s natural metabolic activity, creates a healthy inflammatory response, and stimulates healing.
The Piezowave2 machine assists the doctor to identify very specific areas of injury and then delivers a series of impulses precisely where they are most effective. There is absolutely no pain or discomfort experienced in areas that are not injured.
In many instances, there can be an immediate reduction of pain as well as improved mobility and function. Since it is non-invasive, there is no need for anesthesia. The most common minor side effect following treatment is soreness in the treated area that will normally dissipate in a short amount of time.
Physical Principles of acoustic single pressure wave
Acoustic pressure waves are mechanical waves that result from the back-and-forth vibration of the particles of the medium through which the sound ave is moving. A MyAct single pressure wave is characterized by an acoustic pulse with a spatial exapnsion and a very short rise time of only a few nanoseconds. After a few microseconds, the rise is followed by a brief period of negative pressure, after which pressure returns to normal again.
Who can benefit from Piezowave2 Therapy?
PiezoWave2 Pain Treatment is a revolutionary pain-relieving therapy that offers a very effective alternative to injections and surgery for the following conditions:
- Lateral epicondylopathy of the elbow (tennis elbow)
- Calcifying tendinopathy of the shoulder
- Medical epicondylopathy of the elbow
- Myofascial syndrome/trigger point treatment
- Pseudarthroses/Stress fractures
- Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- Patellar tendinopathy
- Medial tibial stress syndrome
- Plantar fasciitis, with or without heel spur
- Achilles tendinopathy
and much more...
PiezoWave2 Pain Treatment
What makes PiezoWave2 Pain Treatment unique is that it’s one of the very few modern technologies in the medical field that works well when an injury reaches a chronic, non-healing state. It helps restore strength and mobility to injured ligaments and muscles.
We’re the only facility in the entire area that offers this revolutionary technology, and we’re dedicated to helping all patients get back to their healthy and happy lifestyles. PiezoWave2 Pain Treatments aren’t covered by insurance policies currently.
Do you have any questions regarding more details of the treatment, side effects or payment options? Please feel free to contact us today for more information.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
9:30am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Logan Valley Chiropractic
1710 6th Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602